Selected Short Fiction Bibliography
(some written as S R Mastrantone)
(some written as S R Mastrantone)
'A Taste for Murder' (The Trial Bonus eBook Edition, July 2023)
'The Jumper' (Afraid of the Shadows, October 2021)
Reprinted 2023 in Spirits and Ghouls
'There is No Place for Them On This Planet' (Strange Lands, November 2020)
'The Cure for Boredom' (Footsteps in the Dark, June 2020)
'Loveable Alan Atcliffe' (Afraid of the Light, April 2020)
Originally featured in Plan B Magazine
'How it Always Happens' (Stupefying Stories, March 2017) (Read Online)
'Top 20 Exotic Pets that Frighten Away Intruders' (Pantheon, October 2016)
'Home Solutions for Mould' (The Fiction Desk, Separations, September 2016)
'This'll Take You Back' (Andromeda Spaceways Magazine, September 2016)
'Just the Stars to Look Up To' (The Fiction Desk, Long Grey Beard and Glittering Eye, September 2015)
'Desert Walk' (Press Start to Play, ed. John Joseph Adams and Daniel H. Wilson, Vintage/Random House, August 2015)
Reprinted 2018 in Nowa Fantastyka

'Alan Roscoe's Change of Heart' (Shock Totem, October 2014)

'Nothing Can See You' (Vignettes from the End of the World Anthology, May 2014)
'Blind Spot' (Stupefying Stories, April 2014)
'Only the Dead Know' (Fabula Argentea, December 2013)
Reprinted in Silver Pen Anthology, 2017
'The Little Thing in the Bottle' (carte blanche, November 2013) (Read Online)
'Something Unfinished' (The Fiction Desk, Because of What Happened, September 2013)
'A Place for Lost Things' (The Colored Lens, June 2013) (Read Online)
'Roses' (Lamplight, March 2013)
'Just Kids' (The Fiction Desk, Crying Just Like Anybody, November 2012)
Reprinted in Afraid of the Christmas Lights, 2020
'The Thing That Captured Fenella' (Goldfish Grimm's, September 2012)
Awards and Nominations
'Just Kids', The Fiction Desk Writer's Award, Winner, February 2013
'Home Solutions for Mould', The Fiction Desk Ghost Story Competition, 2nd Place Prize, May 2015
'The Little Thing in the Bottle' (carte blanche, November 2013) (Read Online)
'Something Unfinished' (The Fiction Desk, Because of What Happened, September 2013)
'A Place for Lost Things' (The Colored Lens, June 2013) (Read Online)
'Roses' (Lamplight, March 2013)
'Just Kids' (The Fiction Desk, Crying Just Like Anybody, November 2012)
Reprinted in Afraid of the Christmas Lights, 2020
'The Thing That Captured Fenella' (Goldfish Grimm's, September 2012)
Awards and Nominations
'Just Kids', The Fiction Desk Writer's Award, Winner, February 2013
'Home Solutions for Mould', The Fiction Desk Ghost Story Competition, 2nd Place Prize, May 2015